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Garuda International
Aloe Vera 10X Liquid Concentrate (Food Grade)
Product Code: AVC10XFR      Revision Date: 09/15/2004
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Description: Ten-fold (10 X) liquid concentrate of Aloe Vera Gel stabilized and suitable for food and beverage preparations.
Appearance: Amber liquid
Odor/Flavor Typical slightly bitter aloe flavor, vegetable odor
Product pH Value 3.0 - 5.0
Aloe Vera Gel Solids 3.5 - 5%
Raw Material Aloe barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera Linne), grown and processed in the Dominican Republic
Process Mature aloe vera leaves are harvested by hand. The inner gel in the leaf is removed by a hand-fileting process. The gel filets are ground, filtered, and concentrated under vacuum to a level of 5% solids. The concentrate is pasteurized and appropriate food grade stabilizing agents are added before packaging.
Arsenic(As2O3): Less than 0.3 mg/kg as As2O3
Heavy Metals (as Pb): Less than 10 mg/kg as lead
Preservatives: 0.1 % Sodium benzoate, 0.1 % Potassium sorbate
Total Aerobic Plate Count: Less than 100 cfu/ml
Coliform: Negative