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Garuda International
Aloe Vera Gel Spray-Dried Powder, 200:1
Product Code: AVGSDPW200      Revision Date: 04/28/2016
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Description: Garuda International's Aloe Vera Gel Freeze-Dried Powder, 200:1 - Ingredient - Raw Material consists of Aloe Vera Gel fillets from fresh Aloe barbadensis Miller leaves. The gel is sterilized, filtered and spray dried. Aloe Vera Spray-Dried Powder, 200:1 is rich in aloe vera polysaccharides and other natural components of the aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel has been widely used in food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics applications and is classified as a GRAS ingredient in the CFR Title 21.
Appearance: Clear to off-white powder
Taste: Sour, characteristic Aloe
Color (Absorbance@ 400 nm):
0.5% w/w dilution with water
Maximum 0.15
Moisture: < 10 %
Arsenic(As2O3): 1 ppm Maximum
Lead: 2 ppm Maximum
Copper (Cu): 10 ppm Maximum
Mercury (Hg): 0.01 ppm Maximum
Aloverose or Acemannan: >= 7500 mg / 100g
Aloin (1% w/w water solution): <= 0.1 ppm
pH (0.5% w/w water solution): 3.4 - 4.8
Total Aerobic Plate Count: < 3,000 CFU / g
Yeast: <= 100 CFU / g
Mold: <= 100 CFU / g
Coliform: < 100 MPN / g
E. Coli: Negative / g
Salmonella: Negative / 25g
Staphylococcus aureus: Negative / g
Very Hygroscopic! Store in a cool dry location (5 deg - 20 deg C., < 50% R.H.) in an area with fresh, clean, circulating air in a tightly-sealed moisture-proof container. Protect from direct sunlight, moisture, microbial and other contamination.
10 kg Foil/Poly Aseptic Pack in Cardboard Boxes
Aloe Vera is an approved GRAS ingredient for the use in Food & Beverages by the U.S. FDA under Title 21 CFR 172.510

Label Statement: Aloe vera gel powder